MI Training, Level 8, Week 5, Home-Play

  1. Financial Audios: Level 5

2. Energy Reading: Find a friend or a stranger to give a free 1 hour financial reading and healing to. Most people will be thrilled to receive this. Ask in exchange for this gift for them to write a testimonial for you or a short video testimonial. Part 1 blockages, part 2 cures. Remember to give them a healing for at least 5-10 minutes after part 1 (causes). Summarize the reading here as always. Write if they are a friend or a stranger. No family members. It’s time to open the door.

3. Call your AP: Total maximum time on call = 10 minutes each. Ask them what they are doing to get their energy reading and healing practice going. Run down a list of marketing assets they should have such as, flyers, etc. Ask how you can help or support them. Give them ideas to get going.

4. Write a website page for SESSIONS. Put it in your website folder on your computer and make sure everything is neat and orderly in there ready to give to a webmaster or for you to make yourself. Send the Sessions file to me.

5. Make a website page for TESTIMONIALS. Copy this testimonial page into your website folder. Put your 1st testimonial from your financial reading in there and post it here. Ask your client if they want to remain anonymous or use initials, full name, job title or location.

6. Follow and read the new order of the Reading Procedures I am sending you via email.

9 comments on “MI Training, Level 8, Week 5, Home-Play


    1. Level 5 financial done daily.
    2. 1 hour financial reading done with Judith (stranger). She wishes me to use her first name only. Blockages include her feelings of “less than” from childhood – lots of verbal & emotional abuse from father. Healing done. Cures include mirror work, self-love affirmations and nutrition awareness.
    Testimonial done.
    3. 10 minute phone call with AP – We discussed swap meets & setting up booth at fairs and farmers’ market. Also, locations for flyers should include Whole Foods and Sprout’s markets. We talked about Search Engine Optimization and GoogleAds.
    4. SESSIONS page borrowed from Megan and Robin. Document put in website folder and emailed to Robin.
    5. TESTIMONIAL page started and put into website folder. Client agrees to publish first name only.
    Jo birdsong is amazing. I wanted to learn about a special situation that I was facing. Jo clarified my concerns and gave me a sense of validation, a feeling of relief and a profound healing. She was spot on .. Jo birdsong told me things that no one else knew . If you want a real reading with honest answers.. Call Jo birdsong … You will be glad you did.

  2. Chelsea

    1. I have only done the Financial Audios once this week. I pledge to myself to do them for the remainder of the week before class.

    2. Energy Reading done on a friend. I advertised on Facebook and she was the first to commit. I saw the root of her financial blockages in a past life during the Roman or Greek rule linked to fear of not having enough food for herself and her baby. She also needed continued forgiveness with an event that was contracted to occur in this lifetime in order for her to learn.

    3. Called my AP regarding marketing.

    4. SESSIONS info complete.

    5. Still waiting for my TESTIMONIALS. I will ask more people I’ve read for to give me a testimony.

    6. Updated on the new reading procedures.

  3. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Listened to Level 5 audio

    2.) Reading was for a friend. She had fear and obligation that was preventing her from following her dream career. To heal this she needs to work alot on remembering her worth and her value as well as taking steps to focus on present career building with flyers for childrens yoga classes.

    3.) Ap discussion on marketing: We discussed ideas of working through blocks and bringing to flyers to new places such as metaphysical stores as well as doing farmers markets. Another topic we covered was promoting her website further and finding affordable SEO’s to help promote her current website and start bringing in more clients.

    4.) Seshions page completed.

    5.) testimonial:

    Thank you SO much for the reading on finances – it clarified so very much for me and reaffirmed how all things are connected. Everything you picked up on rang true and as I step into this space of greater power and love, it is deeply grounding and simultaneously releasing to have that shift and growth witnessed and reflected back to me. Your suggestion for next steps were so tangible and applicable, and not scary!!! Thank you, Jennifer 🙂

    6.) Read new reading procedures.

  4. Susan Palmer

    1. Listening most days

    2. Read friend: Not able to see opportunities for more financial abundance, living on a small island, she is content to live small. The healing revealed gold coins coming to her from the vast ocean.

    3. Done. We set a mutual goal for the week.

    4. Emailed the Sessions/Intuitive Reading page to Robin.

    5. Made a Testimonials page, but my readee is mailing the testimonial to me, which I will add then.

    6. Printed it.

    1. Susan Palmer

      Rewrite of #2:
      Read a friend: Her causes were mostly from father energy: feeling suppressed, not ok to shine, frustration, feeling chained, must be submissive. To heal, wear turquoise, stand with open arms and think bigger. Walk with pink shoes & feel love & compassion for self. (She actually has pink shoes!)

  5. Paedrin Blues

    1. Working on audios

    2. Have not yet done this but did a paid reading on finances a few weeks ago. Will offer this and bring someone in this week.

    3. Done.

    4. I have a “Book a Session” page on my website at paedrinblues.com

    5. I have a Testimonials page: paedrinblues.com/testimonials

    6. Read the new procedures

  6. Ruth

    1. Financial Audios: Finishing up Level 4 (few days behind)

    2. Reading: Friend/Acquaintance. Financial blockages associated with feeling overwhelmed about many interests and what path to take next. Healing revealed these interests are part of a spiritual awakening and to write, dream, and meditate on them to get more clarity while also soaking in the intellectual and creativity energy being generated by them.

    3. AP Call: Discussed different approaches to promoting business and marketing ideas. I liked the idea of creating a distribution list of clients for communications.

    4. Sessions Page: Revised page sent to Robin.

    5. Testimonial Page: I haven’t received it yet, but I expect to this week. I had a previous client ask me for another reading and I asked her for a testimonial in exchange so I hope to have another one as well.

    6. New Reading Procedures: I have this.

  7. Robin

    1) listening to audio’s

    2) reading on son’s father:

    Blockages to financial abundance were due to some childhood issues of not feeling safe, which affected the root chakra and naval chakra. He is looking outside himself for fulfillment but is just trying to fill an empty void. To heal this he needs to go within and realize that is the only way to sustain any success or abundance. He needs to give as much love to his own inner child as he does to his son.

    3) talked with AP, we are offering each other support and encouragement to get out there, and have set a goal for this week.

    4 & 5)) between being sick and having my son home due to several snow days I have not done this yet. Will uodate.

    6) have read and used new reading procedures


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