MI Training, Level 3, Week 3, Homework



  1. Last chance to finish Google Doc colors. Copy and paste your color answers from your final onto this doc.
  2. Love yourself and spend 15 minutes daily on a self-discovery meditation. Also use your tools throughout the week as you live your life.
  3. Read one color in your aura as well as the outside edge, symbols, tears, splits, holes, jagged edges, silver lining for 15-30 minutes. . Draw it and blog about it. Say, for example, “I saw a meteorite in my aura and it means, “I am….”  Only read a new color that you have not seen before. If you want to further investigate a symbol, split or tear, that you already saw in class, please feel free to go deeper into the meaning of it and how to heal it. Then listen to your own advice. Ha, ha! You guys are doing great!
  4. Practice saying “hello” everywhere you go this week. Question: What is the difference when you do this?
  5. Read chapter 3 of BMI. (Optional)

20 comments on “MI Training, Level 3, Week 3, Homework

  1. Lil

    1 Done.
    2 most days
    3 Read black in right kidney which moved to heart which is fear. Brought in healthy black. Yellow coming into heart was Spirit reminding me to trust. Turquoise n pink came in reminding me to have fun with it all & to soften with love. Yawned which was energy release. Then saw a squirrel. It got skewered n roasted for eating. (Yuck!) But what it means… squirrels save nuts, yet also sometimes act hastily. It’s about money – that’s the only thing I ever have fear about. Killing the squirrel is about transformation. Eating it is finding a way to somehow make use of… the squirrel? the transformation?
    It was right kidney because that’s the masculine/thinking/analytical. Need to get out of my head & feel through it to heal. Whatever arises, love that. 🙂
    4 Inspired by Matt Kahn’s book, what I was saying hello to was all my feelings of discomfort/contraction whenever they come up. Then breathing into them & making space for them allowed me to relax over & over. SO powerful! I also said hello to some positive feelings & loved those as well.
    5 Done – because of this chapter, I tried opening to anything, not just colors & that’s why the squirrel came in.

  2. Chelsea

    1. Posted to Google docs
    2. Did my meditations
    3. I read a deep/dark blue in my throat. It was more constricting unhealthy with some healthy energy as well: I am constricted a little. I am not sharing my true self in the right outlet or the level needed yet. My throat chakra is small right now and needs to be opened by writing or singing more openly. The honesty of self is there, but it needs to be shared in a broader way.

    I have been saying “hello” more this week. Information comes more frequently. I am learning to trust more.
    4. Read chapter 3 of BMI. I love the book. Wish it gave even more case studies.

  3. Ruth

    1. Done
    2. Most days
    3. I read a light pink surrounding my throat. It was connected to repairing something that was injured or misaligned or needed love and attention. I saw cherry blossoms and it meant spring and I am creating new beginnings. I saw my body being flung forward in a car crash and realized I am healing physically from this trauma. The new beginnings led to a pulsing warm feeling in my throat which meant I am speaking things that felt impossible to speak or give voice to before. I am speaking and communicating to others my new dream. Footprints in cement meaning “marked in stone” – I am putting it into action, it’s more than words. I also saw a tear in the outside edge that looked like a ripped screen door, with yellow bursting through. Something going in and going out, energy being pulled in and out and the strings from the rip blowing back and forth with the wind. This means I am struggling to balance my energy between two very different worlds (current job and hearts desire/intuitive work).
    4. I notice that the way I say hello is different depending on the setting I’m in and my openness to receiving.
    5. Reading this now

  4. Heather

    1. Am going to do after this
    2. Done most days
    3.Read a deep purple around my head. When I looked into it I got that it is a download from spirit. The positive and desires that i have been putting out is bringing this. I really feel that the angels and guides are supporting me because I have put it out there that I want to serve. So whatever this download is it is positive and its because of that. Things are going to change and get a little easier. My clairaudience increasing and hearts healing.
    3. Have not done this much yet.
    4. Half way through

  5. Mitsuko

    1. Done
    2. Getting better at the selfing/self-love/self-discovery meditation.
    3. Decided to read color orange. Found it behind my eyes and back of my neck. I wanted to make it feel more positive, and wondered what to do, Decided to have some yellow join to lighten up the hue. It made my eyebrows relaxed and a natural smile was brought up.
    4. Didn’t do enough Hellos and would love to do more. What a great tool. Brightens up, connects deeper, more presence.
    5. I believe it was done earlier.

  6. Robin

    1) Still need to do this.

    2) Meditations most days. ..it is hard when my son is here being in this shelter. At least guided meditations nightly.

    3) I saw blue in my aura, and I thought of the sky at dusk, when it is deepening into all the beautiful shades of blue. I am mystical, open, deep stillness and beauty, reflective, inner peace…nature, perfect stillness, calm, balanced. ..all is well and in Divine perfect order. This is telling me that no matter how much inner turmoil and frustration and out of control that i am feeling inside, that there is a deep stillness within me and all really is well. How can I anchor into this in the midst of a meltdown when i feel so crazy and chaotic? What I need to do is to breath this blue in everyday and set my intention to feel into it and be all these qualities this blue represents. Hopefully this will stabilize me more so I don’t get to that point.
    In the top left side of my aura i feel there is something sticking into it but not piercing it…it’s not a hole…it means I am stuck… stuck on something, like a thorn in my side, something pressing my buttons. ..i am allowing this and I am reacting. I am in resistance. I need to ground and center and feel into this blue that can bring me into balance and stillness and the knowing that all is well.

    4) I haven’t been remembering to say hello. In a way today i did try to say hello to my frustration, but not in that exact way …i tried to sit with it and be with it. Next time i will hafta say hello to it and see how i experience it differently.

    5) Reading chapter 3

  7. jennifer

    1.) Copied and pasted colors to Google Docs.
    2.) Meditated daily and incorporated self love daily.
    3.) Read my aura-
    I’m feeling a sense of joy with a realization I have the power to create my own job. This joy isn’t contingent on any circumstances. I’m slowly integrating this realization into my awareness. I’m feeling awe at my life and the world and I’m able to see things a new! I’m seeing a bright light which appear to come from inside of a sun. I’m being bathed with in it and penetrated and allowing this joy. I’m in more compassion to people, places and things. A sense of service to others is strongly coming in. I’m in conscious in my thinking more.
    I am seeing a light or path veering left to show me other possibilities I’m to consider to create my life. I’m hearing the word ‘choices’. I’m seeing a silloute of an angel working on something inside me. She appears deep in concentration looking down and creating something. Looking deeper she’s putting pieces together of something maybe a puzzle. After she was done creating it she stood up and excitedly held up her hand to the universe, smiling and feeling proud! Perhaps it signifies a desire to stay focused on what matters and without distractions to having the life I want means dedication to self first. I’m also seeing a wolf walking along a river in the mountains. It’s signifying stillness. I heard the word, ‘lone wolf’. That’s where I’ve been at socially for a little while. The wolf is leading me to a tribe of Indians, maybe a new social tribe for me in time.
    My auric field seems to have a silver lining across the top of my body. The right side of my aura appears smoother than the left. Maybe a signification of my feminine side being integrated or a need for it to be stronger. A hole or indentation in the back of my neck appears fuzzy. I sensed outside influences affecting decisions or trying to prevent me from feeling strong in my beliefs. I heard ‘past stories’. I filed in with a cobalt blue color to create more self conviction and tried smoothing the indentation in the back of my neck.

    4.) I practiced ‘hello’. Me and my son would practice together before bed sensing when we were sending our hellos! It felt healing for both and he was baffled! 😀

    5.) In the midst of Ch. 3

  8. christina k

    1. Posted to Google docs
    2. Did my meditations
    3. I see dark blue and purple. I see mostly soft edges with a few sharp, prickly strands poking out like tumbleweeds. It means I am reaching for love in somewhat risky ways. I need to pull my energy back in me and be still. I see little sparks of electricity flickering beyond the blue and lavender. It means passion, excitement but also danger of getting too far away from myself. It means I’m experimenting with old abandonment issues. I am full of love and tenderness. I am being courageous. I am trying new things. But I always need to come back to my center, deep blue, and watch those edges.
    I have been saying “hello” more this week.
    4. Read MI book.

  9. Phaedra

    1. Done.

    2. Did this daily.

    3. I saw a deep blue flowing from the throat into my heart, which means I am excited, enduring, steady, and loyal, and at the same time calm, expansive, and infinite. I have Infinite resources available to me. I am filled with beauty and wonder. I am balanced. Endless joy, peace, harmony, balance, creativity, playfulness, beauty, and wonder is available to my heart.

    The outer edge of my aura was grey, and the left side was much more apparent than the left, because it was very active at that moment, like an antenna trying to receive. The color was showing that I am aligning with my feminine magic and power, in order to create/attract/realize the perfection of my relationship (with my mate). It is working to attract/magnetize that to my reality.

    There were bumpy spikes on the outside edge, lining up to where the middle of ajna and sraha chakras would be. Result of ajna opening up so rapidly, competing for space with sraha, which is trying to open more fully. There was also a tear on my bottom left side, which is in healing mode from a previous reading but is still apparent.

    4. What I have noticed from the times I have remembered to say hello when I am out, is that it brings a sense of clarity/understanding and a balance of control when interacting with others.

    5. Working on Chapter 3!

  10. Susan Palmer

    Since my last post says it’s being moderated, I’m just going to do another one.
    1. Did that already.
    2.Doing it sporadically.
    3. Tonight I looked at the sharp blown out portion of my aura and the metal shards at the bottom of my aura. I could see the shards, and finally I turned my view so that I was looking up at it from below it. I saw a lobster-like creature with pincers. It was a dark brown-black. A little creepy. I spent quite a bit of time just sitting with this image, asking what it was doing there. Eventually, it moved itself up to my genital area, and I heard that it is protecting me. I asked for how long it’s been doing this for me. It said most of my life, since I was about 5. It’s about feeling unworthy. It’s protecting me from men who are not loving me, keeping them out of there. It then didn’t feel so creepy, but felt more kind. I thanked it again, and told it I can now protect myself and it can go. Moving my hand to remove the shards, which were reinforcement for protection, they came out fairly easily. “I am protected.” The creature wasn’t so ready to go. But as I continued to pull with my hand, using different motions to see what might work best, the creature started to come apart into pieces. First the pincers came off, then bits of its shell and smaller unidentifiable pieces. Then the area turned a soft pink, which means “I am loved genuinely. I am safe.”
    4. Saying hello to people and things this week, I notice I am more present and observant when I am doing it.
    5. Still reading chapter 4.

  11. maia

    1- done
    2 – done
    3 – the first and only thing I could focus on is a big red almost open scar in the front of my body, from my belly button all the way up to my sternum. . When I asked about it I heard “walk in” and felt pain in my chest. I got scared and I was told to smile and breathe. What I got about it is that the “entity” that is walking in is my higher self. Im having really hard time lately and everything around me is falling apart ( money, relationships, and all sort of other things, including my house breaking down and having people working on it for the last two months). It is like I’m in a sort of limbo, where my focus is vital for this process to be successful. I feeling tired, just like after a surgical operation and now I know why. What I need to do for it. is to really focus on positive feelings, cultivating a sense of adventure to help me to welcome the divine unknown into my life.
    4- Saying “hello” to everything and everyone is absolutely lovely! It makes me feel like Alice in wonderland lol .. and is really helping me to be present and open with all that is around me. I automatically go into energy reading mode and I’m able to get insights and messages that in normal conditions would go unnoticed.
    5 – Reading chapter 3 of BMI


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