Level 3 Class On Spirit Beings


Hi Everyone,

Last class was full of flavor! There is so much to say that I/we didn't have a chance to and so I have created this blog as a way for us to express our thoughts, opinions and give feedback regarding our experience in class or after. Please use our "class names" for anonymity.

Beings, like people, are real as witnessed in our last class while we read "Toto". We must always be vigilant and chose who we want to continue our "contracts" with. (There will be more on this subject in the relationship class.)

I talked to Toto and she said she didn't know where to go after opening up the "can of worms" with this Being who is heavy on her heart. The answer is simple. Keep filling your heart with self-love (which also means self-protection) and pretty soon there will be no more room for the beastie. Keep it amusing. Know that we all have co-dependent agreements and that we are little by little waking up to our freedom and self love; this is enlightenment. We do this with our awareness by knowing and feeling that we ARE God. We are ONE, united in harmony and we have a right to chose how we live our lives, what we think about and with whom we spend our time.

The readings were great. Remember that sometimes pictures are literal and figurative; such as the cage which means feeling caged. I also saw Toto in the coliseum with the gladiators and lions... Cast out to the "wolves" and branded as a witch. Good job Toto, at making a come back into the spiritual world after so much judgement and persecution. You are doing great! Keep it up!

3 comments on “Level 3 Class On Spirit Beings

  1. maia

    hi robin,
    can people have more than one negative spiritual agreement and more than one machine attached to their body ?

  2. maia

    yes, that class was very intense and im too having some big deal stuff coming up .
    during the reading for toto i felt pain in my chest and i still have it . i did a reading for myself and i saw a lot of worms . ugly worms . and i saw their boss . again, they tell you they will protect you from pain, but you know what ? they are too ugly to have them as protectors . i prefer to feel my pain and to use it to grow .

  3. Marie

    Thank you Toto for helping us all to grow and learn. You are a braveheart! I am still processing a lot of what happened in this class. I found it interesting that such an incredible amount of similar information was revealed and wondered if too much information can overwhelm a client and how to deal with that during a reading. It was a good reminder that pausing, breathing and filling with light would help both the reader and readee.
    Some of the information about the past life and how it was presented startled me a bit. However, I was able to come back into my body, ground and center. I was surprised that I was able to remain mostly neutral. The experience helped me to learn how a readee may feel. I was not sure at first where we were headed and why the emphasis was placed on the past life. Once we moved through the entire session though I felt like I received a giant healing from it and was able to release lots of stuff. I was still releasing for the next few days following class. Blessings to all.


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