Healing Is Simple If You Know The Rules


Living a happy and healthy life is simple if you know the rules. The rule is that if you think positively you will have positive results. But how can this be true, most will wonder? And those who do believe in this golden rule, usually do not believe it enough, to make a difference. Most of the people I work with say, “I totally love myself!” or “I thought I was over that!” when I find traumas in their physical and energetic body. There are different percentages of “loving oneself” that each person beholds. It is all relative. I may not think that an overweight person who drinks coke loves themselves very much. But compared to an overweight drug addict who also drinks coke, their percentage of self-love is higher. Everything that we do is either healthy or unhealthy, loving or unloving and all of the variation in between. Our job is to decide if what we do, say, feel or practice is loving to ourselves (and others) or not. And if we do these unloving things, to find out why and to transform them into positive thoughts and actions.

We really can “fake it until we make it.” It is how we re-train our brain to function correctly in a manner that serves us. But in order to do this, we must get to our core beliefs.  Because these core beliefs own you, whatever they are. They are the masters that rule your reality. You see, there is no reality other than the one that you create.

Healing is easy. It’s the doing part of healing that is hard for most people. People want a quick fix. But if it took you years or even lifetimes to acquire a negative thought, which then became a negative belief eventually creating a physical malady, you will also need time to undo this belief. This must be done by detecting your negative belief and transforming it into its positive version.

If you believe me when I say that all you need to do to heal is to be positive, then you would change your habits and re-program your mind. If you were lacking in trust, for example, you would sit in front of a mirror daily for one hour staring into your eyes lovingly and repeat, “I trust myself,” over and over again. As I said before, in order to heal, you must transform your core beliefs.  This means that you must find and know your core negative beliefs. It should not be too difficult to figure out if you pay attention. This is the starting point. You can’t jump ahead to, “I am rich” if you believe that you are not good enough or are in any way unsafe. You must begin with your deepest negative belief because it is the one that will run the show and determine your life. Examples of negative core beliefs are: I am unworthy, I am unsafe, I am impure, I don’t deserve, I am not good enough, etc. Which negative core belief rules your world? Chose the deepest one and work on turning it around. It will take time and persistence but the rewards will be glorious and they will show up on ALL levels.

If you have been attacked, raped, injured or emotionally or physically disrespected, as most humans have been at one time or another in their existence, you must allow for these experiences to percolate out of your system slowly. Because each time you re-program your mind or fill your being with positive thoughts and emotions is an invitation for the negative past experiences to release, evolve and transform. Most people stop their positive brain re-training after they focus on the positive for a while and then have negative experiences. But how can you re-fill your body mind and soul with new information and positivity without having the old negative energy and experiences release? This is to be human and cannot be avoided. In fact, it should be celebrated when you get sick, feel down or have a “negative” life experience because it means that your Being is changing and healing. You cannot heal without change and that is a fact! You can ask that your growth period be gentle and joyous.  But your results, of course, will depend on your core beliefs! Do you believe that growth can be easy and gentle? If so, the Kingdom and Queendom of God is at hand. Are you beginning to see a theme? Yes, ALL life experiences stem from your beliefs. And yes, they most absolutely can be changed for the better! Yet, it can only happen with persistence, continuity and well…belief!

Good luck and please believe in yourself! Together we can evolve and change for the better!

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2 comments on “Healing Is Simple If You Know The Rules

  1. Teresa

    What a Lovely and Inspirational passage! Exceptionally well presented. Robin’s words of wisdom spoke to me on a very core level. I look forward to reading the entire book!

  2. Vicky Lyons-Elliott

    Comment: Wonderfully perceptive! Tuning into our core which is divine, and from that vantage point bringing in objective clarity about the true nature of our relationship to self. Without this, affirmations miss the mark. I’ve never been into affirmations because I had a sense of this but never clearly articulated why to myself. Another thing that comes to mind, is the phenomenon of people who quote Louise Hay at someone who is sick, penalizing them for their illness. Your insight could turn that one around, with your gentle and realistic understanding of the way true healing works, at every level. I am finally stepping into the healing process now, for the first time in my life, and your words really resonated with me! And believe me, if a stubborn old fart like me can get it, so can anyone else. I think this an important book you’re writing. Power on!


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